1 capsule contains 800mg of vitamin C(buffered)120 capsulesIt supports the immune system
120 capsules1 capsule contains: 100mg of magnesiumIt plays an important role in the muscle contraction and muscle relaxation.
120 capsules1 capsule contains: 1000µg adenosylcobalamin- methylcobalaminContributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
90 capsules1 capsule contains: 225mg of bio kelp extractIt has an extremely valuable nutritional profile.
120 capsuleIdeal proportions and partially activated formsFor the normal function of the nervous, immune and circulatory systems.
90 capsules1 capsule contains: 1000µg adenosylcobalamin-methylcobalamin and 400µg of 5-MTHFSupport to the nervous system.
90 capsules1 capsule contains: 30mg of zincIt provides normal functioning of the immune system.
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